Nick Pynn & Kate Daisy Grant
'Brighton-based musician Pynn has always been a maverick one-man orchestra, as treasured by alternative comedians as by folkies. But since hooking up with quirk-pop songstress Kate Daisy Grant things have got even more playful, as the pair demonstrate their proficiency on an incredible number of instruments, and non-instruments, alike. A hit on the Edinburgh Fringe, their shows are a combination of avant-folk and experi-pop, presented with warmth, wit and something a bit like magic'
Time Out
'Beautiful…compelling, intriguing and magical. These are truly two of the finest, creative and outstanding musicians around and this is a show definitely not to be missed. ' *****
Edinburgh Spotlight
Full review here
'A wonderful evening of an incredibly talented husband and wife who are currently half-way through their UK tour. It was a joy to see them return to a home audience to record this performance as a live album. Catch them if you can. '
Fringe Review- Highly Recommended Show
Full review here
'Kate Daisy Grant and Nick Pynn have managed an incredible feat; capturing the dynamic DIY spirit of the Fringe…using unique and home-made instruments this pair create some of the most electrifying music to be found at this festival.'
Three Weeks
Full review here
Here are some AUDIO recordings on SOUNDCLOUD
See 'Concerts' page for dates.
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